How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles?

If you often take leisurely strolls in your neighborhood, it’s natural not to focus on the speed or distance covered. Rest assured, that’s perfectly fine! The beauty of meandering around your block lies in relishing the crisp air and embracing the present moment, free from the constant monitoring of your fitness tracker or scrutinizing every aspect. However, if you’re wondering, “How long does it take to walk 5 miles?” we can explore that too!

However, when you decide to go on a specific route, it’s important to know how much time it will take you. You don’t want to find yourself in the middle of nowhere when it starts getting dark. So, how can you estimate the duration of your walk or hike?

We conducted a study to find out the average time it takes to walk five miles.

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How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles?

How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles?
By Age And Gender

By Age And Gender

Walking pace can vary depending on several factors, including age and gender. Here’s a breakdown of the estimated time it may take to walk 5 miles based on these factors:

Average Walking Speeds:

  • Adults: On average, adults can maintain a speed of three to four miles per hour, which translates to approximately 75 to 100 minutes to cover a distance of 5 miles.
  • Seniors: Older individuals may have a slightly slower pace, typically ranging from 2 to 3 miles per hour. Therefore, it might take them approximately 100 to 150 minutes to walk 5 miles.
  • Children: Children take smaller steps and typically walk at a speed of two to three miles per hour. It may take them about 100 to 150 minutes to finish walking a distance of 5 miles.

Gender Differences:

  • Men: Men generally have a larger stride length and, therefore, tend to walk faster. As a result, they may cover 5 miles in less time than women.
  • Women: Women, on average, have a slightly slower walking pace compared to men. However, individual fitness levels and stride lengths can significantly impact the time it takes to walk 5 miles.

Walking 5 Miles: How Much Weight Can You Lose?

How Much Weight Can You Lose?

Walking is a great way to help you lose weight and keep your body weight in a healthy range. The number of calories burned during a 5-mile walk depends on factors such as body weight and walking speed.

Calorie Burn

  • On average, a 150-pound person burns approximately 400-500 calories by walking 5 miles at a moderate pace.
  • Heavier individuals may burn more calories due to the increased energy required to move their body weight.

Weight Loss Potential

  • Walking 5 miles regularly, along with a balanced diet, can contribute to weight loss.
  • A calorie deficit of 3,500 calories is required to lose one pound of body weight. By walking 5 miles, you can burn approximately 2,000-2,500 calories per week, resulting in a weekly weight loss of up to 0.5 pounds.



Walking on a treadmill offers the advantage of controlled conditions, allowing you to adjust the speed and incline to match your preferences. Many different things can affect how long it will take you to walk a distance of 5 miles on a treadmill.

Treadmill Speed

  • Walking speed on a treadmill is usually measured in miles per hour (mph).
  • For a 5-mile walk on a treadmill, the time it takes will depend on the set speed. For example, if you walk at a speed of 4 mph, it will take approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Incline Level

  • Walking on an incline increases the intensity and can impact the time it takes to complete the distance.
  • Higher inclines require more effort, resulting in a slower pace. Adjusting the incline level can make your treadmill walk more challenging and beneficial for fitness.

How Walking 5 Miles a Day Can Improve Your Health

How Walking 5 Miles a Day Can Improve Your Health

Walking 5 miles a day can significantly contribute to your overall health and well-being. Here are some of the key benefits:

1- Cardiovascular Health

  • Walking regularly is beneficial for your heart and overall cardiovascular health. It helps make your heart stronger, enhances the functioning of your cardiovascular system, and lowers the chances of developing heart disease and having a stroke

2- Weight Management

  • Walking aids weight loss and weight maintenance by burning calories and boosting metabolism.

3- Mental Well-being

  • Walking releases endorphins, reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. It also improves cognitive function and enhances overall mental well-being.

4- Bone Strength

  • Weight-bearing activities like walking promote bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

5- Increased Energy and Stamina

  • Regular walking improves endurance, enhances energy levels, and increases stamina for daily activities.

3 Simple Tips for Walking 5 Miles Faster

3 Simple Tips for Walking 5 Miles Faster

If you’re looking to improve your walking speed and complete 5 miles in less time, consider implementing the following tips:

1- Warm-Up and Stretching

  • Begin your walk with a warm-up to increase blood flow and prepare your muscles.
  • Perform dynamic stretches that target your legs, such as lunges or leg swings, to improve flexibility and range of motion.

2- Incorporate Interval Training

  • Interval training is a workout method where you switch back and forth between fast-paced walking and slower walking to let your body recover.
  • Intervals help increase your overall speed and endurance over time.

3- Maintain Proper Form

  • Pay attention to your posture, keeping your head up, shoulders relaxed, and arms swinging naturally.
  • Take shorter, quicker steps to maintain a brisk pace and engage your core muscles.


The amount of time it takes to walk 5 miles can be different for each person due to various factors like age, gender, how fast they walk, and the type of ground they’re walking on. Typically, adults take about 1.5 to 2 hours to finish this distance at a moderate speed. Walking 5 miles every day has many advantages for your health, such as better heart health, managing weight, and having more energy. If you’re aiming to walk faster, incorporate interval training, maintain proper form, and consider warming up and stretching before your walks. Remember, consistency is key, and making walking a regular part of your routine will yield long-term benefits for your health and well-being.

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